Thanksgiving 2023

First of all I would like to extend a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hopefully you get some time today to relax, enjoy your loved ones, eat some good food and maybe even do a little online shopping.

While you wait on my emails for some specific Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, here are a few AMAZING deals I have found that you might want to consider (most if not all links are affilates).

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have not used my email list to send out newsletters in quite some time. Currently I have a new newsletter software that I am learning. My plan is to whip this list into shape and send out newsletters on deals, important information and more, a little more regularly in the future. Please bear with me as I try to streamline all of this to make things easier on all of us. In the event you do not want to receive email communication from me moving forward PLEASE use the section below to UNSBUSCRIBE. You can always sign back up later over on the CloverTac Website. If you have any other issues please do not hesitate to reach out to us through the website, social media, etc.